Now that Dia de la Muerto’s is over a famous Mexican holiday that we had the pleasure of celebrating this years. I had a couple friends ask me about their ITIN’s and if they needed to be renewed this year. The answer is maybe!

darksouls1 / Pixabay

Taxpayers with expiring Individual Taxpayer Identification Numbers should submit their renewal applications as soon as possible. If your looking to get that renewal in the Redlands, CA or surrounding area. I am here to help, but let’s talk more about the ITIN.
Failing to renew them by the end of this year will cause refund and processing delays in 2019.
ITINs are used by people who have tax filing requirements under U.S. law but are not eligible for a Social Security number.
The IRS mailed more than 1.3 million letters to taxpayer households that includes someone with an ITIN to remind them to renew. Here are details about whose ITINs are expiring and how someone renews their ITIN.

  • ITINs that expire at the end of this year have middle digits 73, 74, 75,76, 77, 81 and 82 – for example: 9NN-73-NNNN
  • Those who must renew their ITIN can choose to renew
    their family’s ITINs together, even if family members have an ITIN with middle digits other than 73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 81 or 82. Family members include the tax filer, spouse and any dependents claimed on the tax return.
  • Taxpayers with ITINs set to expire at the end of the year with a need to file a tax return in 2019 must submit a renewal application. Others do not need to take any action.
  • Taxpayers whose ITINs expired due to lack of use should only renew their ITIN if they have a filing requirement in 2019.
  • To renew an ITIN, taxpayers must complete a Form W-7 and submit all required documentation.
  • Although a tax return is normally attached to the Form W-7, a taxpayer is not required to attach a return to ITIN renewal applications when renewing early.
    I am a Certifying Acceptance Agents authorized by the IRS to help you apply for an ITIN.  To to and book an appointment to get your ITIN renewed.

Carlos Samaniego, EA,CAA
Certified Acceptance Agent

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