
Does Mediation really work?
That has been a huge question I have been asking myself for months.
I have heard of meditation for years but never really looked into much or cared much to look into it.
It wasn’t until about 4-5 months ago I saw a special on the OWN channel where Oprah called. “America’s Most Unusual Town.” You can read more about here:
It was a town called, Fairfield, Iowa where almost everyone practice Transcendental Meditation (™).
I was amazed about all the benefits you get with meditation, from stress relief, improve health, heart health, increase brain function, the list goes on and on.
How the American Heart association, AMA, all these health organizations and even Dr. Oz recommends everyone practice mediation.
Liz and I where so impressed we even drove out to the Transcendental Meditation Center in Palm Springs to learn more about.
We were not able to take program yet, so it kinda fell off the radar for both us although we still have the goal of taking the program.
Then last night, we are both watching the OWN channel again, and Oprah is interviewing Depak Chopra and they are talking about the benefits of medication.
Is God trying to tell us something? This meditation stuff keeps coming up. I think it’s a sign, and I am not ignoring it this time.
So during the interview. Chopra talks about a 21-Day Meditation a Challenge that starts on November 5, 2012.
This is the Creating Abundance 21-Day Mediation Challenge.
Liz and I have decided to do this and we like you to join us!
We believe we all need the benefits of less stress, more abundance, more peace and joy in our lives.
Come join us, it’s totally free and let’s share our experience with each other.
You can sign at this link:
I just completed the 1st session this morning it was a great experience.

Today’s Centering Thought:

“Today, I behold all the abundance that surrounds me.”

I hope to have you on this journey with us.

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