I was watching Warren Buffet- Billionare Next Door on CNBC he had two pieces of advice for young people.
1. Stay away from Credit Cards
2. Invest in yourself – To earn more money, through education, course, self-improvement, etc.
I found that to be very powerful yet simple advice. Over the last week I help 3 clients that combined we are saving them almost 1.3 million dollars in interest alone, it is funny because my client Mr. Steve Ecks, said I was a life saver and he was so happy he would do a commercial for me 🙂
Maybe I will take him up on his offer!
Anyways, today I just got a book I have been wanting to read called, "Maxed Out" by James Scurklock. It is about, "how vulnerable many americans are to the predatory methods banks and credit card companies employ to separate them from the money they make and to keep them paying on the money they’re not making." said Henry Rollins.
They have actually turned it into a movie, you can see trailor at http://www.maxedoutmovie.com/
You can watch a clip of the movie below:
Your friend,
Carlos Samaniego
P.S. Don’t forget call 800-544-3946 , to get your FREE "Freedom From Debt Report" a $97 value!