Earlier today our entire family for our 4th year joined the Scouting for Food event here in Redlands. It is one of my favorite volunteer event’s we do every year.
Scouts from all over the the local area collect food at grocery stores and people donate food to our cause.
Then all of us where at the Holy Name of Jesus church where parents brouht the food, so we can divide the food into its category and this divide the food to two different organizations.
Redlands Family Services and the Local Salvation Army. This year they each got $7,000 lbs of food for the pantry.
“Amy Wynn, of the Local Salvation Army, told us their stockpile had been bear for many months and this has help them out and the local families dramatically.”
I knew this year would be amazing because by 9am we had food flowing into our collection center, of course, Bella always has good time volunteering.