Earlier today our family received a phone call that my grandfather (my mom's dad)Pata Lupe made his transition to heaven in his sleep.
He was 96 years young and truly amazing man that has seen so much in his life. He had dual nationalities, Mexican and US citizen. He didn't speak much English that I know of, he never really spoke in English in front of us, but I would always catch him saying few words in English.
Personally, I think he liked to play it off like he didn't understand but he knew what we where all talking about.
My biggest regret in life is not learning to speak better Spanish. To be able to have longer conversations with him would have been amazing.
Most of our conversations where short or through my interpreter like my mom.
The one thing I know he did be enjoy life to the fullest.
He would sing every chance he got. He always wanted to be around people and laughing or reciting his favorite poem about Tequila. He always had a smile on his face.
And for the last 5 years, the doctor always said that he only had few days or couple weeks to live, and he would prove them wrong.
I heard the night before his passing. He was happy and speaking with my cousin and he went quietly on his terms.
Papa Lupe I love you and will miss you and can't wait to someday to sing a Mexican Ballet with you.