“The culmination of Andrew Scouting Journey to Eagle Scout was celebrated at @[166268742638:274:Unity of Yucaipa]. Family, Friends, and Scouting family enjoying this patriotic celebration. Special Guest Mayor Denise Hoyt, Redlands City Councilman Paul Foster. We had over 70+ guest.”
From Andrews Eagle Court Honor Ceremony, posted by Carlos Samaniego on 1/21/2013 (40 items)
- Going over color guard opening.
- Rhino Patrol before celebration.
- Eagle Scout Scott Kehrlein opening the ceremony
- Color Guard opens Eagle Court of honor.
- Andrew awaits to be called to front.
- Eagle Scout Terry Welsh having fun at ceremonie.
- Andrew is escorted by Eagle Scout Joseph Harris-Lesh with his bagpipes. This was spec…
- Looking pround
- Time for official award
- Elizabeth Samaniego pinning on Andrew Eagle Ribbon
- Congratulations Drew
- Giving Andrews official Eagle Certificate
- Andrew pinning on Mom Eagle Pin. This is award for mom who helps scout achieve the ra…
- Troop 11 Mom HUG!
- This is the Eagle Pin for Dad. Translated keep their boy on track to Eagle. I honor t…
- He looks proud and happy! He should be!
- Time for a speech: "I Have A Dream"
- It truly was an amazing speech Andrew very proud of your performance.
- Gifts for the Rhino Patrol
- Andrew’s guest speaker the Mayor of Yucaipa Denise Hoyt awards him a commendation.
- Rev. Suzanne Leonard awards Andrews Highest Religious award from Unity Worldwide Mini…
- Scoutmaster Ray Norris gives Andrew is official Eagle Scout neckerchief.
- Scoutmaster Ray Norris awards Andrew a US Flag that was flown over Congress, given to…
- It was great having family there to share celebration. I am just bummed Bella was so …
- Eagle Scout Scott Kehrlein congratulates Andrew Samaniego.
- This cake not only look good it tasted great!
- Congratulations by friends and family over 74 of them attended this great event.
- Where’s the food??
- I think Andrew wants cake!
- He still waiting. Thank you to Candace Cantu McGloin for helping Liz with the great f…
- Rhino patrol never turn down a meal
- Rhino Patrol. The brotherhood of Scouting.
- Proud parents of Eagle Scout.
- Way to go son. I know you have more goals, dreams and aspirations and we are here to …
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