Another step in the right direction, the negotiation between Wall Street (Lenders) and Main Street (Tax Payers) continues with our economy being held hostage… Here is great article. Above is the link for the headlines that came from the on-going negotiation between Wall Street (Lenders) and Main Street (Tax Payers) continues with our economy being held hostage. From 90% to 96.5% the lenders do not lose as much, now the HOPE plan is only 3.5% worse for the…

Warning- Scam Alert

Are you a homeowner? Are you getting mail,faxes, calls to your home claiming your lender will accept less then what they are owed? This morning I was speaking with a mastermind of professionals and attorney's that specialize in loan modifications one of the biggest scam they are seeing is homeowners getting "official" looking letters that…